I lose track of current trends and passions of young people without kids in the house anymore. And I think this is pretty important. Children are great teachers. They’re constantly moving from one stage to the next, and accepting this gives us practice in accepting whatever the world throws in our faces next. I know that getting to this stage is important if I want to reduce the stress that comes along with “digging my heels in” (aka resistance, of course).
Everybody moves from one stage to the next in life, but it seems like lots of changes happen without a ripple, with one stage morphing seemlessly into another right under our noses. (Last year you loved watching Dancing with the Stars. This year, not so much.) But when it’s bigger and more life changing, resisting the inevitable always leads to what I think of as stupid anxiety, the kind I create all by myself. Have you ever noticed how much calmer people seem who accept and are tolerant of the changes they experience? I aspire to this. For instance, I feel more relaxed now that I know for sure I can’t do anything about: smart phones rule the world, pet owners think they’re dogs are people, and my hair is supposed to turn gray.
Whether the stage that’s passed is “Whew, it’s finally over!” or one you hate to see go, accepting that it has to happen helps keep blood pressure in check. It also prepares us for the inevitable losses we have to face in life – of loved ones, of jobs, of relationships, of our health… maybe even a dream. Embracing instead of begrudging might just curb some wrinkles down the road. I’m hopeful.
What about you? Do you hate change? Or do you go with flow?