I watched and wept in awe at the sight of my newborns for the very first time.

I sobbed with relief when THAT call came to publish my first book.

I’ve wept with despair when my government let me down.

I cried with pride when, turns out, I was right after all.

An overwhelming list of obligations has even pushed me over the edge.

Happy, sad, scared, angry and in awe. Tears come from whatever triggers your heart, from one extreme to the other. From misty eyes when a movie really moves you, to that deep down cry that contracts your gut so hard you can’t breathe. And if you’re not done, you have to gasp and start contractions all over again.

Whimper, weep, wail, blubber, bawl, sniffle or sob. Whatever you call it, whatever emotional state you’re in, there’s no right or wrong reason to cry. It’s part of who we are. It’s part of being human, and the warmer your heart, the more you’re likely to do it.

I’ve whimpered for no darned good reason. Oh, there was a reason, just no darned GOOD reason. I call it “whimper” because, really, I’m just feeling sorry for myself. The left side of my brain demands, “Get over it!. Stop being a baby!” But the right side loves a good time, and the name pity-PARTY fools it into keeping the ball rolling! At least until my good sense returns.

Something I wish I’d realized when my kids were small: When children see adults cry, they learn it’s okay to express their feelings instead of struggling alone. Shedding tears so your children can see once in a while makes for good role models.

tears whenever heart feels emotion May an excerpt from my book, Emerging from the Heartache of Loss, pique your interest: “We all have our own style. Some of us sob freely while others snivel quietly in a dark corner or in the bathroom with the door locked. It doesn’t matter so much how you do it, just as long as you do it. Stifling your tears all the time will only work against you so it’s important to find a safe place to let them out. If you feel like you might not stop once you start, don’t worry: tears stop on their own when they’ve done their job.”