Surviving loss and living again.Numbers don’t lie. But in case they do, I double checked. My book, Emerging from the Heartache of Loss, has now sold 10,134 copies. Now this 10,000 milestone won’t rock the publishing world, but it’s rocking mine. To think that I had a part in helping 10,000 hearts to mend after a loss that might have changed their lives forever is, well… thrilling. No, more like richly satisfying.

This good news has re-activated my writing brain after an 8-month hiatus, and the pile of little notes I write to myself whenever a new idea floats by is growing. Brilliant ideas are sure to be spilling onto the page soon, and I’ll be anxiously watching for any that plant themselves long term.

I didn’t always write. After my children left the nest, I decided to be a social worker or therapist and returned to school full time. By the end of two years, it dawned on me how many more people I could touch if I wrote a book instead of talking face-to-face. This revelation came after listening to my classmates whining and bitching about how hard the writing assignments were. My reply was always, “What? That’s the part I love.” And in my head, “That’s the easy part.” It was a good call, the right call for me.

I look forward to helping more hearts to heal. And if you read my book or buy it as a gift for someone you care about, please consider writing a little Amazon review. These do help sales so I appreciate every single one. Also, if you have a mind to, please pass the word on.

It feels so good to have something to smile about. On to 20,000!