Holiday Humor: Santa’s Lap is Not Just for Kids!

It’s never too late to tell Santa what’s on your mind! It was 1978 at my daughter’s school and we had arranged a treat for the kids. A long line of youngsters, including my own, had aired their hopes on Santa’s lap when suddenly the impulse struck to take my...

People vs Things. People Win!

One sure way to comfort yourself is to comfort someone else. The joy of “making someone’s day” is priceless. Especially satisfying if you can make a grumpy face smile ear to ear. I know this feeling well because my secret challenge when confronted by someone who looks...

Relieving Holiday Pressure

      On the heals of last week’s post on re-evaluating holiday traditions, I encourage you to stop and think before shifting into your holiday auto-pilot. The economy this year guarantees that we all enter the season more stressed than ever, and this alone demands a...