Balancing Body and Brain

The rise of nerd-power has been awe inspiring, but I have mixed feelings about what their amazing technology has done to my life. The pressure to keep up with the latest technology really gets to me sometimes. I want to learn it all, but the mental capacity on the...

De-clutter your Computer, De-clutter you Brain.

      Until an hour ago this screen had 36 little icons spattered about, all vying for my attention before I was ready to give them any. It’s easy to leave files where they land as we work, but finding something after a while is like rummaging through a jumbled junk...

Computer User Groups, Yea! – 1/10

I am borderline computer literate and still panic when something goes wrong. Twice in the last month MS Word quit suddenly and I lost documents I had spent hours creating. Grrrr… My solution recently was to join a local User Group. Even small towns have groups...

Resistance (to upgrading) is Futile – 9/08

I’m about to upgrade my computer…. again. I’m not some super-geek that needs to keep up with the latest and greatest. I’m just your average e-mail, family photo, internet browsing kind of gal. There’s the rub, the internet. My computer (not that old, mind you)...