Halloween: Grab Fun When You Can!

October’s Moment is here, Halloween. Even though it’s early, here’s a little something I found to entertain the neighbors throughout the month. I’m remembering past celebrations and all the ghoulish high jinx we sprang on the neighbors. A giant stuffed spider rigged...

Humor: #1 Stress Management Tool

A neighbor asked me this morning if this was my old Uncle Earl? Thank you, Joe, for starting my day off with laugh. I’m very lucky to married to a guy who laughs a lot. Bill still likes to celebrate Halloween with weirdness, and this little gem was perfect for our...

Halloween: Nurturing your playful side

  When did the fun stop? The apparent nature of adulthood gets me down sometimes. I’m always surprised at the number of scrinched up noses when the word “costume” is even hinted at. Is it because people are afraid they’ll look silly? But isn’t that the point?...