by Carol | Aug 16, 2018 | My Blog
Learning something new always peps up my brain so taking a class now and then feels really good. I just registered at my local community college’s Community Ed department for: Traveling Across Cultures: Embrace Cultural Differences. Sounded like a good idea...
by Carol | Jan 25, 2017 | My Blog
I walk into the room all cheery and sit down, front and center. My notebook and pen are at the ready, all set to absorb new information from my local writer’s group that might edge me closer to the best seller list. Then the speaker speaks. “What? What did you say?”...
by Carol | Jan 21, 2016 | My Blog
I changed my mind and I’m glad. This reversal has always meant to me that someone let new information seep into their brain, like a senator who changes his “nay” to “yea” after he got smarter. New information is like gold, and here’s the newest in my head today....
by Carol | Aug 29, 2013 | My Blog
For years, no matter what the situation, a dozen questions pop into my head. I’m quite famous for this in my family and decided at some point that this deficit trait skill tendency was a good thing. I’m simply extra curious and love to learn. Basically, dying...