Valentine’s Day: More Than Romance

It’s 7:30 in the morning and a piece of this chocolate heaven is melting on my tongue as I write. Then, as the last trace disappears, the urge to have another rears its ugly head! A box full of my favorite See’s candy, Bordeauxs, came in the mail yesterday. And what...

Scatter the Love

My love asked me for a Valentine’s date TWO WEEKS AGO. The fact that someone who sees your face everyday still wants to celebrate your love is, shall we say, an auspicious occasion. And to think ahead? Well, need I say more? Yes, we’re comfortable with each other, but...

Celebrate Love

Our annual celebration of the most important thing in the world is coming, Love. I’ve sometimes struggled over the years to see past the Valentine’s Day profit margin of selling candy, flowers and restaurant tables, and to focus on the message. But now I love...

Taking Time Out for Love

  Valentine’s Day. I was torn about what image to choose. We love our lovers. We love Spot. We love chocolate, children, family and friends. After spending an hour waffling between possibilities, this warm glowing abstract won my heart. Valentine’s Day is a...

V-Day a Great Reminder – 2/10

Media hype insists we couple. This overblown emphasis makes those of us without  loving relationships to celebrate feel extra lonely as the sea of red hearts start to close in this week. I have a single friend who told me recently that it was the worst day of the year...

Valentine Your Children – 2/09

It’s great to have a designated time to celebrate our love for one another, but the emphasis on romantic love this Sat. is only a fraction of the story. Don’t forget to let your children, grandchildren, mom&dad, and close friends know how much they mean to you....

Valentine Day Pick-Me-UP – 2/08

Valentine’s Day. I’m always torn between ignoring it and going whole hog. On the one hand I appreciate having a designated time to celebrate our love for one another. In a busy life it’s easy to start taking each other for granted. This year my husband surprised me by...

Valentine Day for Singles – Feb. ’06

Valentine’s Day. I’m always torn between ignoring it and going whole hog. On the one hand I appreciate having a designated time to celebrate our love for one another. On the other, what about those who are alone, without a loving relationship or friendship to...